Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Welcome home, delegates from Penang, Malaysia

The delegates from the Koxinga Shrine in Penang, Malaysia, will start a grand tour of Taiwan on April 25.

They are invited to attend the ceremony at 延平郡王祠 starting at 8AM on April 29 that commemorates Koxinga's re-opening of Taiwan in 1661. This is to be followed by a tour of 臨水夫人廟, 永華宮, and 孔子廟.

They will then return to 鄭成功祖廟 and participate in a welcoming lunch party hosted by Tainan Cheng Clan Association. Delegates from Hirado (Japan), China, and other organizations will also attend.

On April 30, the delegates will go on a 鄭成功文化之旅 and visit 安平古堡, 赤崁樓, 大天后宮, 武廟, and other historical sites. At 4:30PM, they are to receive a statue of Koxinga from 鄭成功祖廟 to prepare for the jourbey back to Penang on May 1.

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